Mary Shelley – The Lost Memory

Mary Shelley -The Lost Memories

We are currently working on "Mary Shelley - The Lost Memory", another interactive Augmented Reality Escape Room for several players with a recommended age of +12 years. In "Mary Shelley - The Lost Memory" you meet Frankenstein's author Mary Shelley, but not as herself, but as an artificial intelligence. By fixing the artificial intelligence, you will learn about Mary Shelley and her life as a writer and her thoughts on her work. The experience focusses on biographical work as well as on the complex of artificial intelligence and how we deal with it.


Nach einer Idee von Sarah Kirschke & Ernesta Scheck

Head of Creative:
Lisa Marie Rothe

Franziska Weser

Technische Leitung:
Vincent Schiller

Art Director:
Robert Schröder

Produktionsassistenz / 2D Design:
Ernesta Scheck

Produktionsassistenz / 3D Design:
Sarah Kirschke

Dramaturgische Beratung Interaktives Storytelling:
Nico Nowarra

Dramaturgische Beratung Mary Shelley:
Barbara Sichtermann

Beratung Auswertungskonzept:
Nadja Frank


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