Final sprint for our Crowdsourcing

06|01|2022 – We are now in the final days for our crowdsourcing, which we are carrying out together with the Crowd Innovation team of the Fraunhofer Institute on the platform for cluster feedback. On the platform we collect ideas from the crowd and the network on the topics of #school, #application contexts, #rewards, #crowd, #funding and #bets. In the meantime, we have received 38 fantastic ideas from the crowd. All participants will receive an invitation to an interactive test event on January 28th, during which our current demo version can be tested and evaluated.

Would you like to contribute a few more ideas? Then you have the chance until January 10, 2022. Simply register under the following link and look for the ideas competition “Let’s Heartucate”:

Games Innovation Award Saxony “Best Gamification” 2021!

02|12|2021We won the Games Innovation Award Saxony in the “Best Gamification” category !! Many thanks to the jury and for the great organization Games & XR Mitteldeutschland e.V.! From next year we will be part of the startup cohort around the newly emerging Gaming Hub Center R42 in Leipzig, which was launched by Gecko Two GmbH. The aim of the hub is to place gaming in the center of the city and to create an experience center. We are very happy that we can be there! Many thanks also to all the other great projects that we submitted and for which we all cheered! You can find all of this year’s nominees here:

If you want to check out the awarding ceremony, you can find the recording on Twitch at:

Crowdsourcing started: we are looking for your ideas!

20|11|2021Together with the department for crowd innovation and innovative financing models at the Fraunhofer Institute, we would like to involve you in our processes – both in brainstorming and in financing. The first phase is now starting for us: crowdsourcing. With crowdsourcing, we collect ideas from all areas and incorporate them into our further work. For everyone who takes part, we are hosting a test event in January, in which you can test our demo before the official release and get to know all the other supporters. Now we are looking for your ideas! You can register on the following platform until January 10, 2022:


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Wanted! – Intern (m/f/d) for Social Media Marketing

06|10|2021 – We are looking for an intern in the field of social media marketing as soon as possible. Are you fit in Canva, familiar with the Adobe Creative Suite and with editorial plans? Would you like to implement a social media marketing strategy together with the digital agency WeAreSilk and develop original, creative content for our channels? And can you imagine running a crowdfunding campaign on social media on our behalf? Then get in touch at or directly to Franziska. You can read the exact description of the internship here:

Start of internship for Christoph Schade (Game Design / Digital Set Design)

04|10|2021 – We look forward to the start of Christoph Schade’s internship, who will support us in the area of game / level design and digital set design for the next 5 months. Christoph studies game design at Macromedia University Leipzig and helps us to convert the script into a production plan and to design and equip the digital rooms, that we will build in production. He will also participate in the development of possible rewards for crowdsourcing and funding. We are happy to say: Welcome, Christoph!

MDM Project Development Funding

10|09|2021 – We are very pleased about the commitment of the Mitteldeutsche Medienförderung for the project development of our pilot “Climate XChange – Where Worlds Collide Vol.1: Expedition to the Arctic” funding an amount of 50,000.00 €! This enables us, together with our partners Lumalenscape and blendFX, to convert the developed script into a production plan in preparation for production and to further develop our first demo version so that we can make it available for download in current popular app stores. In addition to the demo, a video tutorial is also to be created that illustrates the use of the app with tablets. With the help of the digital agency WeAreSilk, a comprehensive marketing concept for the app is being developed. All of this takes place parallel to the crowdfunding campaign that we create and plan together with the Fraunhofer Institute. We are very happy and look forward to the next few months – many thanks to the Mitteldeutsche Medienförderung!

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