Vincent Schiller as CTO / modular Heartucate framework

31|05|2023 – Vincent Schiller is Heartucate’s new Technical Director / CTO. Thereby Heartucate is not complemented with a great shareholder, but also with a specifically developed internal modular framework for interactive multiplayer applications with augmented reality. This means that we are now much more flexible in implementation and can implement different technical requirements more efficiently and quickly.

Internship start for Lukas Krieg

01|05|2023 – Start of internship for Lukas Krieg at Heartucate. The Macromedia student for Game Design is doing his practical semester in the field of 3D and game design with us. We are happy and say: welcome!

Keynote “XR and Serious Games in training and education”

20|04|2023 – As part of the “Cross Innovation Made in Saxony” program, Kreatives Leipzig e.V. invited to various events that were intended to foster a transfer between the creative sector and industry. In the fourth part of the “Unknown Knowns” series, VR, XR and serious games and their potential for training and education were discussed. Next to Tom Micklich, Julien Schillinger and Marcus Klöppel, Franziska was able to give a keynote speech on the subject of “Training of future and team skills with collaborative augmented reality rooms”. A recording of the event is available via:

Project development funding MDM for “Mary Shelley – The Lost Memories”

18|04|2023 – We are happy about the approval of the Mitteldeutsche Medienförderung for the project development of “Mary Shelley – The Lost Memories”, an interactive augmented reality experience in multiplayer mode about Frankenstein’s author Mary Shelley.

In the experience, you meet Mary Shelley in her old office, but not as herself, but as an artificial intelligence. By fixing the #AI, you will learn about Mary Shelley and her life as a writer, her thoughts and progressive results. The experience is based between biographical work and dealing with artificial intelligence. We are happy about this great news and thereby can also bring our interns Sarah and Ernesta back. We say: Thank you, MDM!

Internship start for Tobias Marr

17|04|2023 – Start of internship for Tobias Marr at Heartucate. The media informatics student of the HTWK Leipzig has decided to do his internship at Heartucate and to support us in programming and documentation with Unity and our in-house framework. We look forward to spending time together and say: welcome!

Climate workshop pilot together with the LFD Sachsen e.V.

15|11|2022Together with the Landesfilmdienst Sachsen e.V., we piloted a workshop on November 15, 2022 on the subject of the Arctic and climate change with a class from the Thomas-Mann Gymnasium in Oschatz. As part of an environmental project day, we brought the Arctic into the classroom and led the children through various stations in small groups. The students were able to experience the Arctic at one station and help the climate researcher Professor Aureus, watch a film about the Arctic and climate change at another station followed by a film discussion and get creative at a third station using the augmented reality app CoSpaces. A wonderful first step towards school, which we are happy to repeat and which has inspired us to take more.

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