Keynote “XR and Serious Games in training and education”

20|04|2023 – As part of the “Cross Innovation Made in Saxony” program, Kreatives Leipzig e.V. invited to various events that were intended to foster a transfer between the creative sector and industry. In the fourth part of the “Unknown Knowns” series, VR, XR and serious games and their potential for training and education were discussed. Next to Tom Micklich, Julien Schillinger and Marcus Klöppel, Franziska was able to give a keynote speech on the subject of “Training of future and team skills with collaborative augmented reality rooms”. A recording of the event is available via:


forum sachsen digital 2024 in Löbau

10|06|2024 – This year we were able be part of the “forum sachsen digital” 2024 as an exhibitor, which was organized by the Saxon government to exchange ideas with 350 representatives from business, [...]

Polarcode Workshops

15|05|2024 – Together with the Landesfilmdienst Sachsen e.V. and media educator Britta Senn, we were able to pilot the POLARCODE workshop at 6 Saxonian schools through the Digital School Saxony Initiative funding measure. [...]

MISSION ATTO is online!

31|03|2024 – MISSION ATTO is online! On behalf of the Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry in Jena and in addition to educational material developed by the communication agency familie redlich, we created 5 [...]

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